Nowgong Girls' College


In order to address the need of equipping students with additional knowledge and skills so as to make them capable of facing real-world challenges, Nowgong Girls’ College introduced a number of need-based Add On Programmes. Scheduling of the various courses under the Add On Programme is done based on assessment of student and societal demand. The following Certificate, Diploma and P.G. Diploma Add On courses are listed out for the 2023-24 Academic Session:

Name of Add on /Certificate programs offered Course Code (if any) Year of offering No. of times offered during the same year Duration of course Number of students enrolled in the year Number of Students completing the course in the year
Mushroom Cultivation Technology MCT 2023-2024 1 31 Classes 101 101
NFSE (Non Formal Sanskrit Education-Certificate course) 192820 2023-2024 1 1 Year 24 24
NFSE (Non Formal Sanskrit Education-Diploma course) 192820 2023-2024 1 1 Year 21 21
Research Methodology 2023-2024 1 3 Months 67 67
Introduction to R-Programmig RPCC 2023-2024 1 30 hours NIL NA
Philosophical Counselling 2023-2024 1 2 Months 33 33
UGC sponsored Foundation Course on Human Rights 2023-2024 1 3 months (30 contact hours) 15 15
Certificate Course on Ornithology ZCO-4 2023-2024 1 30 days (30 hrs) NIL NA
Certificate Course in Computer Application 2023-2024 1 6 months 556 556
Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application and Programming (PGDCA) PGDCA 2023-2024 1 1 Year 2 Pursuing
Diploma in Computer Application and Programming DCAP 2023-2024 1 6 months 15 4
Desktop Publishing 2023-2024 1 3 months 9 4