Nowgong Girls' College

Mahesh Chandra Dev Goswami Central Library

Central Library Nowgong Girls' College

Central Library Nowgong Girls' College

Central Library Nowgong Girls' College

Central Library Nowgong Girls' College

Students Reading Room

Central Library Nowgong Girls' College

Central Library Nowgong Girls' College

Books Stack


The college library is named as Mahesh Chandra Dev Goswami Library which is housed in a two storied building and is well equipped with more than 46000 reading materials that comprises of text and reference books, dictionaries, encyclopadias, rachanawalis and novels etc. the ground floor houses the stack area, circulation and reference section where as the first floor comprises of the reading room and the digital section. Apart from that there is a xeroxing facility for the users and a total of 16 computers are there for the students and 4 for the staff to perform the library functions. The library uses KOHA software for library management and provides e-resources to users with the help of UGC-infonet and N-List of INFLIBNET. The books are tagged with barcode for easy retrieval and the users can access e-resources through D-space where quite a good number of information sources such as e-books and journals, manuscripts, college publications, thesis, MRPs can be browsed. Considering the fact that majority of the students hail from economically weaker section the library feels its moral obligations to provide more number of books for a longer period of time.
Objective of the library:-
 Easy access to its users
 Collect and circulate information to the users
 To promote the use of various information sources among the users
 To create users out of non-users
Facilities available:-
Apart from library orientation and the library provides circulation service, xeroxing service, inter-library loan and OPAC services. There is a separate corner for North-East collection, manuscripts, novels and their likes. There is a provision of clean toilet facilities and a separate digital corner for e-resources. The library provides links for browsing various e-resources–
 D-space-
 National Digital Library of India for browsing of books-
 For browsing English books -
 Project Gutenberg-
 Directory of Open Access Journal-

Rules and Regulations Governing the functioning of Mahesh Chandra Dev Goswami Library,

Following are some of the rules and regulations adopted for the smooth functioning of the library-

1. Opening and Closing of the Library:- The library will remain open from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM on all working days except on Sundays and holidays

2. Persons entitled to use the services of the Library:- All the faculty members of the college, the students and the employees and any other person approved by the librarian

3. The students of the college should make it a habit to see the Library Notice Board for information of the library. The library will intimate the students on the requirements for procuring the library cards as without it no students can avail the facilities that are available at the library

4. The students are required to do the following in order to avail the services of the library-
They should come in complete uniform along with their College Identity Card for issue and return of books. They should leave their personal belongings with the attendant on duty at the property counter and receive a token from him against the belonging deposited. On production of the token only, the belonging will be returned to them

5. Conversation or producing noise inside the library is strictly prohibited and the Librarian shall have the power to refuse admission to any one infringing the rules and regulations of the library

6. The Library is an Open Access one so a reader has the liberty to go through the books kept on the shelves and if a book is taken out for reference or for consultation it need not be put back on the shelves by the readers themselves but should be handed over to the library staff for placement

7. Condition for loan of Books:- It is very necessary to note that no books or reading materials forming part of the Rare Book Collection, Reference Collection, Bound Volumes or belonging to a series will be lent out of the library. Books which are selected by the Librarian on account of their variety or belonging to a series which is difficult to replace or those required for constant reference shall not be issued out

8. Use of books and other reading materials:-The faculty members are entitled to take a total of 20 books from the general library and the employees of the college can have a total of 10 books issued in their name. As for the students having major in a particular subject she can have a total of 5 books issued in her name. A student having a general subject can have a total of 3 books followed by 2 books for the Higher Secondary students

9. Part time or Guest Lecturers are entitled to take a total of 5 books with the recommendation from the concerned Head of the Department. A Post Graduate students can avail a total of 2 books from the library for a period of 15 days with renewal

10. Issuing of the Book: - A book is issued to the teachers and employees of the college for a period of 30 days after renewal and the students can avail this facility for an initial period of 15 days with renewal of the same once. Books may be re-issued on physical presentation only at the discretion of the Librarian. However there is a condition for renewal of the book, if there is no demand from other users or the user has returned the book undamaged in time for renewal

11. Returning of the Book:-It is the duty of the Librarian and the staff to examine and see the book as soon as it is returned by the borrowers in order to take immediate action whenever it is necessary. In special circumstances the Librarian can call back any book at any time from a reader, even if the period of loan has not expired

12. Readers should carefully examine the books at the time of taking as well as returning the books and if any damage is detected it should be brought to the notice of the Librarian and the staff

13. Damage to the Books:- The borrowers will be responsible for the damage or loss to the books taken out by them. Marking on the books, tearing the pages, soiling them, folding or dog-earing the pages or damaging it will constitute an injury to a book and that will be counted as a serious offence so it is liable for punishment

14. Delay in returning a book after the due date will entail a fine of Rs.0.50p per day for each volume

15. If a book is lost then the same should be replaced with a new one or pay the price of the book along with an incidental charge of Rs. 20 or more. If in case the book belongs to a rare category or out of print then the librarian will communicate to the publisher on the availability of the book or on the latest price. And necessary steps will be taken the cost of which will be borne by the defaulter of the library

16. It is pertinent to note that if a reader is found to misuse or abuse the library then that user will not be allowed to utilize the services of the library

17. Conversation or producing noise inside the library is strictly prohibited and the Librarian shall have the power to refuse admission to any one infringing the rules and regulations of the library.
Dr. Kishore Kumar Sarmah
Librarian, Nowgong Girls' College